ahh, pengen banget rasanya cuma duduk-duduk di taman dengan rumput nan hijau plus bunga2 yang bermekaran colorfull sambil menjilati ice cream yg udah mau meleleh ato minum softdrink dingin plus camilan. Santai tanpa mikirin kerja praktek, kerjaan majalah, berimajinasi untuk menghasilkan karya, gimana dapet duit yang banyak. Oh my GOSH !! I need one perfect day in my holiday. but I'm still here with all my project never end. WTF ... ???
I'm so jealous.
Oke, just say "Fighting widiiiii !! don't give up when everything new born, come on !!".
"I'm a Ladydreamer, but from now I try to make my dream come true. Yap, still fighting girl !!"
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